These are some of the companies, organisations and authorities that we have had the pleasure of working with or for in our role as research, measurement & evaluation advisors:
- ASE – the Unemployment Insurance Fund for the Self-Employed
- Asetek
- BI – Norwegian Businss School
- Brøndby IF
- City of Copenhagen, Employment Administration
- Colliers International Denmark
- Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)
- Copenhagen Hospitality College
- Copenhagen University – Science Faculty
- CPH Business
- Czech Ministry for Regional Development
- DanChurchAid
- Danish Council of University Colleges
- Danish School of Media and Journalism – DMJX
- Danske Bank
- DLG Group
- DTU – The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre
- EGN (Executives’ Global Network)
- Elkjöp
- Intereg – European Regional Development Fund
- The IT University in Copenhagen
- Kea – Copenhagen School of Design & Technology
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
- Nordsjællands Hospital / North Zealand Region
- NUAS – Det Nordiska Universitets Administratörs Samarbetet
- Osool Training & Consulting – The Annual Conference for Public Relations
- Research Council of Norway
- Royal Danish Defense College
- Syddjurs Municipality
- TDC Net
- Technopolis Group
- The Directorate-General for Communication – European Commission
- The Educational Secretariat for Industry
- The P World / Global PR Summit
- The Union of Communication and Language Professionals, Denmark
- YMCA Scouts of Denmark