If we are only counting faceless mentions and likes, we will fail to identify the fans and customers that are truly passionate and matter to our business. That is why we have to identify who our self-motivated loyal fans are.
On September 10th, the best-selling author Mark W. Schaefer was in Denmark, speaking at DONA‘s annual assembly. He gave a talk during which he stressed the importance of identifying and nurturing your ‘Alpha audience’ – the customers and fans that are truly your ambassadors and advocates.
Mark pointed out that he too is struggling to come up with a business model that is resilient against content piracy – in his case piracy of his books. To him and a lot of other small businesses it is therefore critical to identify the true ambassadors and advocates. However, very often we come up short because dashboard analytics only gives us an overview and not enough detail.
If you want to watch the entire keynote by Mark W. Schaefer, it is available on Twentythree’s website.
A warm thanks to Twentythree and their video platform for making this clip available for my blog.
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